SLOW-PCfighter 2.1.36 Multilingual
SLOW-PCfighter 2.1.36 Multilingual | 5.8 Mb

Slow PC? Optimize your slow computer for a better performance and extend the life of your PC. Has your PC slowed down lately? Have you ever felt irritated and annoyed while sitting in front of your slow Computer, impatiently staring at the screen? If you recognize any of this, don't panic! There are numerous reasons for slow PCs and any PC might get slower with time.



Scherlokk 3.3
Scherlokk 3.3 | macOS | 6 mb

Scherlokk is a lightning fast file search utility build for precise and reliable search of every file which meets the search criteria. Music, pictures, bookmarks, documents, etc can be found quickly and easily.



ColorWell 6.5
ColorWell 6.5 | macOS | 5 mb

ColorWell provides instant access to the standard OS X Color Wheel, with a handy Hex/RGB/Float/HSL translator. ColorWell is a useful tool in any good Web designer's toolkit, and can be easily configured to live up in the system toolbar and open with a global hotkey.