Lettering in Photoshop! Two Easy Methods to Script Lettering
File Size :366MB
Welcome to Photoshop Lettering: Modern Script, where you will create a stylish lettering piece using Adobe Photoshop. Together, we will explore and apply the elements of modern script styles that we see in current calligraphy, brush lettering, & type design. I will walk you through examples of how I applied this technique to real-life lettering projects. This class is packed with lots of useful letterform tips to help you style your script lettering exactly the way you want.

Kristina Sherk – Beauty Retouching
File Size :1.4GB
Retouch beauty photography at a highly professional level to create stunning images. What most photographers dont realize is that learning the camera and lighting is only half the battle when becoming a professional photographer. The other half of the equation is learning Photoshop. In this course, I am going to teach you my best techniques for blemish removal, frequency separation, micro, and macro dodge and burn, replacing the background, and much more.

CreativeLive – Creating Fantasy Landscapes
File Size :593MB
Most photographers have a ton of landscape images stashed away on various hard drives from vacations, hikes, or from actually pursuing landscape photography. These images are just a starting palette for our own imagination as we composite the impossible in Photoshop. Bret Malley will show how you can evolve landscape images into a new fantasy landscape of your making using custom brushes, textures and, other tools within this magical program.