Bookends 14.1.1 macOS | 100 MB
Bookends is a 64-bit full-featured and cost-effective bibliography, reference, and information management system for students and professionals.
A highly configurable, interactive, and editable interface lets you work with reference information the way you want.
View Groups or Term Lists (Authors, Keywords, etc.) on the left. In the concise reference view on the right, arrange fields in any order, show just the ones that you find useful, and label them as you like. Editing or entering information is a single click away.
Show attachments (pdfs, text files, images, etc.), or use the reference's URL to show live web pages of its contents. Notecards let you enter, edit, and rearrange your thoughts, and make citing pages in footnotes a snap. Tag clouds let you visualize your terms and word use, and quickly tunnel down to the references you want.
Bookends allows you to share your references over the Internet with anyone, on any platform. And with Bookends, you can directly search and import references from numerous sources:
Or use a built-in browser to references with PDF's and/or Web pages. Also, with automatic searches of PubMed, you can discover articles as soon as they're published. Bookends allows for powerful group-based searches, with static, smart, and virtual groups.
Refreshed Bookends app icon
New Trash group
When you delete a reference it is placed in the trash rather than being deleted from the database. If you drag a reference to the trash or press Command-Delete you will bypass the warning message. You can restore references from the trash or permanently delete them from the library. References in the trash can still be used, with a few exceptions: Live Search will find references in the trash only when the trash group is selected and scanning won't find matches with references in the trash. In addition, you can't extend group selections that include the trash, meaning that it can't participate in virtual groups. If you're syncing with Bookends for iOS, trash will sync automatically for cloud sync, but Wi-Fi sync requires version 3.7.6 or later.
Formatted reference examples include secondary citations
Custom citation formats can output different results depending on whether the reference is cited for the first or a subsequent . For such formats, the examples in the Format Manager and in the library window formatted reference pane include the first (1°) and secondary (2°) forms. If the format has no entry for subsequent citations, these will be identical.
Use Copy Formatted for citations
Previously Copy Formatted only allowed you to copy the formatted bibliography output.
Perform smart change text case operations in the edit pane
Right-click on a field in the edit pane and select Change Case. The options are Sentence case, Title case, Uppercase, and Lowercase. Unlike the now-removed Transformations menu options, these operations leave any text styles intact and honor the words entered in preferences that are to be excepted (e.g., articles and proper nouns). This is identical to the Global Change-> Change Case function but much more convenient if you simply want to change one or a few references.
Use Delete (the key or the menu options) to move references in smart groups or the Recently Viewed group to the trash
Improved display of the groups you have created
Improved automatic detection and correction of some database problems
If a library is stored on a service like Dropbox, iCloud Drive, etc. you will receive a warning notification when it is opened
Databases are prone to corruption when entire files are synced. If you receive this warning, move the library file out of file sync folder and use Bookends cloud sync instead. It is much faster, more robust, and can serve as a backup mechanism if the library file itself becomes damaged.
The option to exclude leading parts of authors names when sorting will honor smart apostrophes, for example d'
Improved compatibility with PopClip
The PDF annotation popover window should remain open when PopClip is active.
Bug fixes
Fixed a problem that prevented the color pickers in preferences from working. Fixed a bug where renaming corrupted a smart group. Fixed a bug where a new reference wasn't automatically added to the selected static group. Fixed a bug where the standalone edit window didn't update its contents when another reference was opened for editing. Fixed a bug where the standalone edit window title was incorrect when first opened. Fixed a bug where the wrong reference could be shown in the edit pane when the library was opened or a group changed. Fixed a bug that prevented some information found with an online search from being imported. Fixed an error caused by editing the "Replace repeated authors with" in a format. Fixed a bug where compound words in the author sort ignore list weren't used. Fixed a bug where new annotations weren't extracted unless the PDF had been saved. Fixed a bug where the subfolder selection pop-up menu wasn't updated immediately after creating a new subfolder. Fixed a problem where a teal period before Cited Pages wasn't removed if it was followed by a Return. Fixed a bug where a right-click on a keyword tag incorrectly offered to add it to the stop list. Fixed a problem with Mellel verification of citations containing both literal text and a metacharacter.