


GlanceCal 1.6.1 MAS

Laser 3 Mar 2022 14:45 MAC APPS

GlanceCal 1.6.1 MAS
File size: 10.31 MBWork more productively on your Mac with GlanceCal.

Get a quick and easy overview of the day and see which appointment is next. With the arrow keys you can switch the view to any day to see what is scheduled tomorrow - or in two weeks. travel to the past is also possible, of course.
Overview of your daily calendar entries
Highlighting of the current/next appointment
Distinguish past, future and current appointment with different markings
Displays the date easily visible in the menu bar
Display of calendar week and quarterAlways ready for youGlanceCal is a status bar app, so it's always quickly available - without interrupting your daily work. If you want, GlanceCal can launch automatically at system startup. To avoid waiting , your appointments are locally loaded and updated in the background even before you open the interface. They are ready for you when you are.Always up to dateThe interface updates itself live when your calendar entries change or when one appointment ends and the next one bs. Any way you turn it, GlanceCal is always up to date for you!Works the way you want it toBesides the calendar icon GlanceCal also offers the possibility to display the current date in different formats in the status bar.With your existing calendarsGlanceCal displays your calendar entries from the built-in Apple calendar - so it works with iCloud, Google, Exchange, Facebook, CalDAV and local calendars. For this reason, there is no need for fancy syncing, it just works.Supported Operation System macOS 10.13 or later
Apple Silicon or Intel Core processor


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