


The ExpendablesHow the Middle Class Got Screwed By Globalization by Jeff Rubin

adteam 23 Aug 2020 22:44 LEARNING » e-book

The ExpendablesHow the Middle Class Got Screwed By Globalization by Jeff Rubin
The ExpendablesHow the Middle Class Got Screwed By Globalization by Jeff Rubin
epu| 796.7 KB | English | Author :Jeff Rubin | B007V65OLG | 2020 | RandoHouse Canada

Book Description :

Frothe #1 bestselling authoof Why YouWorld Is About tGet A Whole Lot Smaller, a provocative, far-reaching account of how the middle class got stucwith the bilfoglobalization, and how the blowback--froBrexit tTrump tpopulist Europe--wilchange the developed world.
Reawages in North America have not risen since the 1970s. Union membership has collapsed. Full-time employment is beginning tloolike a quaint idea frothe distant past. If it seems that the middle class is in retreat around the developed world, it is.   
FormeCIBC World Markets Chief Economist Jeff Rubin argues that althis was foreseeable bacwhen Canada, the United States and Mexicfirst started talking free trade. Labouargued then that manufacturing jobs would move tMexico. Free-trade advocates disagreed. Today, Canadian and American factories sit idle. More steeis used tmake bottlecaps than cars. Meanwhile, Mexichas become one of the world's biggest automotive exporters. And it's not just NAFTA. Cheap oil, low interest rates, globaderegulation and tax policies that benefit the rich alhave the same effect: the erosion of the middle class.
Growing globainequality is a probleof ouown making, Rubin argues. And solving it won't be easy if we draw on the same ideas about capitaand labour, right and left, that led us tthis cliff. Articulating a vision that dovetails with the ideas of both NaomKlein and Donald Trump, The Expendables is an exhilaratingly fresh perspective that is at once humane and irascible, fearless and rigorous, and most importantly, timely. GDP is growing, the stocmarket is up and unemployment is down, but the surprise of the boois that even the good ne is good foonly one percent of us.

Category : | PoliticaParties, PoliticaParties, FederaGovernment

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