Skillshare - Object Oriented Programming OOP in Python 3 with Examples-QUiD

Skillshare - Object Oriented Programming OOP in Python 3 with Examples-QUiD
English | Size: 927.14 MB
Category: Tutorial

There is no doubt that Python is one of the most powerful programming languages right now in the world. In every general-purpose programming language, Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) is the most important part to understand. If you want to grow in programming then you must need to learn all about OOP.
Linkedin Learning - Principle for UX Design 2021

Linkedin Learning - Principle for UX Design 2021-QUASAR
English | Size: 609.68 MB
Category: Tutorial

Principle for Mac is a Mac-based UX prototyping tool designed to bring your design ideas to life. In this course, join instructor Tom Green as he shows how to create interactive prototypes for smartphones, tablets, and desktop computers with Principle. The techniques go beyond static wireframes or blueprints; with Principle, your prototypes become more dynamic with motion and interactivity. Along the way, learn how to import assets, crop and mask layers, and use the Principle timeline and drivers. The final chapter of the course includes examples of real-world prototyping projects, including a preloader animation a card animation, a video player, and an Apple Watch UI
Linkedin Learning - Android Development Essential Training Distributing Apps with Kotlin

Linkedin Learning - Android Development Essential Training Distributing Apps with Kotlin-QUiD
English | Size: 410.53 MB
Category: Tutorial

So you ve built an Android app, and you re ready to share it with the world. Now what? There are many ways you can distribute your app, and in this course, Jon-Luke West shows you how to use the primary distribution channel, the Google Play Store, as well as the Amazon Appstore. Jon-Luke covers how to prepare the app for distribution by cleaning up and optimizing the code, creating a security certificate, and uploading an APK file He then shows how to create multiple flavors of your app to include different features how to register as a Google Play and Amazon developer, set the app description and pricing, and publish the app. Lastly, Jon-Luke looks at the post-publishing aspects including how to track app usage, usage statistics, revenue, and crash reporting