

Tastiere For Dummies
Free Download Tastiere For Dummies
Italiano | 2014 | ISBN: 8820362740 | 404 Pages | EPUB | 3 MB
Questo libro spiega tutti i segreti delle moderne tastiere elettroniche e aiuta il lettore a sfruttarne al massimo tutte le possibilità. Dapprima sono analizzati i diversi tipi di tastiera oggi presenti sul mercato e in che cosa differiscono dai pianoforti acustici. Si passa poi a una serie di consigli su come scegliere la tastiera giusta per le proprie esigenze e su come districarsi fra tutti i modelli e le caratteristiche esistenti, confrontandoli fra loro. Dopo questa parte introduttiva si entra nel vivo del testo, che illustra quali sono i suoni che una tastiera elettronica può produrre e come ottenerli, come si usa una tastiera con l'equipaggiamento da studio o da palco come casse, amplificatori, impianti stereo, computer e tablet, quali usi si possono fare della tastiera in congiunzione con il software musicale e molto altro ancora.

Taking Children and Young People Seriously A Caring Relational Approach to Education
Free Download Taking Children and Young People Seriously: A Caring Relational Approach to Education
English | 2023 | ISBN: 1108833489 | 311 Pages | PDF | 2.4 MB
Children and young people are active agents with motives and intentions who can contribute to their social worlds. Taking children seriously involves both accessing their perspectives as they make sense of the world and working relationally with them to guide their motive orientations. In this book, Hedegaard and Edwards draw upon their own and others' research on children from birth to school leaving age to advocate for relational support for learners and to emphasise the caring aspects of this support. The authors provide a scholarly account of the cultural-historical underpinnings of their caring relational approach, while bringing these ideas to life through examples of practices in families and in more formal settings. Written for those who work with children and young people in varied capacities, this book reveals the knowledge and skills required for the subtle and reciprocal work of supporting the learning and development of children and young people.

Take Control of Preview (Version 1.3)
Free Download Take Control of Preview
English | 2023 | ISBN: 9781615424733 | 171 Pages | EPUB (True) | 19 MB
Apple bundles the Preview app with every Mac, but few people realize what it's capable of. Mac experts Adam Engst and Josh Centers have plumbed Preview's depths to create a cheerful, colorful book that explains dozens of techniques for importing, viewing, editing, and converting images in Preview. The book also puts you in control of reading, annotating, manipulating, and encrypting PDFs.

Take Control of Managing Your Files, 2nd Edition (Version 2.0)
Free Download Take Control of Managing Your Files, 2nd Edition
English | 2023 | ISBN: 9781947282681 | 156 Pages | EPUB (True) | 34 MB
Your Apple devices contain an overwhelming number of files and folders, and as these items accumulate, they create more work for you. Does your file management system involve throwing everything on the desktop and then pawing through it laboriously when you need to find something? Do you even have a system? There's a better way. This book helps you organize, search, and clean up the files on your Mac, iPhone, and iPad, providing practical steps and realistic strategies to save time, reduce clutter, and decrease stress.

Tahriib - Journeys into the Unknown An Ethnography of Uncertainty in Migration
Free Download Tahriib - Journeys into the Unknown: An Ethnography of Uncertainty in Migration
English | 2023 | ISBN: 3031278208 | 240 Pages | PDF (True) | 5 MB
This book offers an innovative approach to migration by exploring Somali youths' tahriib, their 'journey into the unknown'. When young Somali men and women refer to the 'unknown', they recognize the uncertainty of their journeys. This uncertainty is partly due to the laws and policies that restrict the right to cross national boundaries and define their movements as illegal. Based on fieldwork conducted with Somali youth, mainly from Somaliland, the book details their perceptions of the journey and their practices on the way. The author shows how they position themselves in a constantly changing world before and during the so-called migration crisis that began in 2015. A vital part of tahriib is the constant search for information on possible routes ahead, a search that intensifies as the journey progresses. Specific policy responses, such as biometric registration, influence practices of gathering and sharing information. They have implications for the creation and shattering of hope and the experience of time en route. The book demonstrates that tahriib is ultimately about spending one's time wisely and about creating and maintaining hope in what may seem hopeless situations.