Perspective Drawing for Beginners – Introduction to One Point Perspective
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Welcome to this first class on One-Point Perspective! This lesson is designed to break down the often challeg process of linear perspective in an easy to follow way. Throughout this lesson we're going to cover what Perspective Drawing is and how we can use it for our compositions, as well as how we go about making the experience work for our ideas and concepts, not the other way around.

Midcentury Illustrations in Procreate
File Size: 2.8 GB
In this class we will learn about face proportions and use that knowledge to draw a few different angles of the face that are commonly used in Midcentury illustrations. We will briefly discuss the differences between adult and child body proportions as well. From there, we will draw an adult figure and learn how to illustrate it with a Midcentury appearance. I'll also walk you through an illustration of children playing on a playground, showing how to shade, highlight, and texturize with this wonderfully simple art style. I also show you a simple style using black, white, and gray along with one bright color. Finally, I'll show you some tips and tricks for illustrating a scene with mountains, trees, and a river. I have plenty of free s for you as well, including over 30 free brushes!