The Virtual Instructor - The Acrylic Painting Academy
File Size: 3.6 GB
"The Acrylic Painting Academy" is a comprehensive painting course designed to guide absolute bners to a level of producing professional quality acrylic paintings through concise and "easy to digest" modules that include videos and Ebooks. Designed for bners, this course lays the foundation required for success with acrylics and painting in general.

Postcard Design and Layout with Affinity Publisher
File Size: 709.4 MB

This course is targeted towards individuals or teams that are new (or fairly new) to Affinity Publisher. Through the session, you will learn the fundamentals postcard layout including understanding document setup, setting up grids, working with typography, utilizing and customizing color, controlling text and graphic frames all while completing two variations of a postcard layout. One that is intended for direct mailing, and the other for distribution at a tradeshow or convention.
After completing the course students will have all the fundamentals needed to tackle any postcard project.