File Size :6.3GB
Are you ready to update your character drawing abilities In 8 weeks you'll learn how to sketch, refine, and create characters you can be proud of.Most of us grew up playing video games, reading comics, and watching a, movies, or cartoons. Probably a mixture of all of 'em.We saw the heroes, the villains, and everyone in between. People of all shapes and sizes, of all looks and personalities.It's only natural to start imagining your own creations– characters drawn up in your mind's eye that you can share with the world.This is the course that will help you make them a reality. In just 8 weeks we cover everything from quick drawings to polished pieces.Learn what makes a successful character, and how to design them for your stories, worlds, or just for fun.No talent required. Just a bit of drawing experience and a willingness to grow and explore!

Stunning Mobile Photography Techniques (Samsung Ultra)
File Size :1.5GB
We'll go over many excellent composition techniques that will help you take better photos and look at how light affects your photos. We will also explore how to look for subjects and use your lenses in different situations. By the end of the class, you'll be taking stunning photos that you'll be proud to share with your friends and family.

How to unblock artblock
File Size :1.6GB
Somes you want to paint but you don't know what to paint. Maybe you only have an hour or you don't want to commit to anything too large or serious. The hardest part can somes be deciding what to create. You can waste so much flicking through inspiration ideas or reference photos without actually doing anything.