Wysetrade Trading Masterclass XVII
File Size :4.5GB
This catalog of premium trading videos helps accelerate your trading learning and ability through advanced highly engaging videos. We cover all the basics of trading, meaning everything you need to know from bning to end so that you can easily apply the strats we show in this program. If you know nothing about trading, this covers all the basics and foundations to get you up to speed. This covers all the advanced price action techniques & concepts that take your trading to the next level. These techniques took 10+ years to refine & are all laid out here for you to quickly learn and apply them FAST!

Wolverine Claws – Logan X Men – Healing Effect using Adobe After Effects
File Size :189MB
In this Adobe After Effects class we are going to learn all basics and advanced techniques of Wolverine Claws VFX shown in introduction video. This class is great for Bner level as well as expirienced motion designers. It's a great way to introduce yourself to Adobe After Effects, and also learn few new tricks if you already familiar with this software.

Solve Your Watercolor Troubles
File Size :5GB
I asked my Skillshare watercolor followers to submit their art for this class. I will use them as examples for most of the lessons. I'm also taking some of my sub-par work and critiquing them as well. We will look at these examples and I'll make some suggestions on how we can improve them. Then I will give you an assignment that will help solve the issue(s). Some assignments will be practice reels where we used d images to draw or paint

Sharing Your Art and Getting Inspired (Sketchbooking 5)
File Size :690MB
In this last Sketchbooking course, you'll learn how you can scan, edit and share your art online. There are tips on managing social media expectations and getting motivated, and ideas on what you can do with your sketchbooks. This course is for bners and there are no prerequisites, although you would definitely benefit more if you have gone though the earlier Sketchbooking courses. There are no hands-on drawing exercises in this course.