Leigh Spusta - Solar Infusion - The Journey of Illumination

Leigh Spusta - Solar Infusion - The Journey of Illumination
English | Size: 91.98 MB
Category: Everything Else

Imagine relaxing in the morning sun, the light shimmers with warmth, caressing your skin with life-affirming energy, bathing you in exhilarating vibrations of health, harmony, and vitality...
Solar Infusion is a 40-minute psychoacoustic composition specially designed to foster the experience of moving into coherence with the essence of life-force energy, allowing you to relax deeply and attune to the highest expression of your being.
Elmer Wheeler Selling Dangerously (Rare)

Elmer Wheeler Selling Dangerously (Rare)
English | Size: 199.11 MB
Category: Tutorial

I hand scanned this book from a library about 12 years ago because I couldn't find it anywhere. The scan is decent, but it has not been OCR'd. If anybody knows how to do that, and wants to reupload -- AWESOME. Even so, it works just find on a smart phone, tablet, iPad, etc. All text is CLEAR and READABLE.
Elmer Wheeler was one of the most Famous sales trainers from the Mid twentieth century, and his influence is still seen today.
Robert Solomon - Existentialism And The Meaning Of Life (2001)

Robert Solomon - Existentialism And The Meaning Of Life (2001)
English | Size: 355.99 MB
Category: Philosophy

If you believe that life should be a quest for values, reasons, and purpose—filled with passion and governed by individual responsibility—then yours is the sort of mind to which the Existentialist philosophers were speaking.
More than a half-century after it burst upon the intellectual scene, Existentialism has continued to exert a profound attraction for individuals driven to re-examine life's most fundamental questions of individual responsibility, morality, and personal freedom.

What is life?
What is my place in it?
What choices does this obligate me to make?
You Are the Message: Getting What You Want by Being Who You Are

You Are the Message: Getting What You Want by Being Who You Are
English | Size: 127.78 MB
Category: Tutorial

Learn the secrets of communication that win elections, promotions, and customers, from Roger Ailes, media consultant to Presidents Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush, and the founder of Fox News.

When you communicate with others, everything that makes you unique comes into play. From your appearance to your voice, from your beliefs to your life experience, you're constantly sending signals about the kind of person you are. All of these signals, such as your facial expressions, your body movements, your vocal pitch, and more, are powerful and important in convincing others of your message.