Alex Social / 4 Week Natural - Daygame Phone Game

Alex Social / 4 Week Natural - Daygame Phone Game
English | Size: 9.77 GB
Category: Seduction: Video

“Alex teaches true natural game. True change that improves all aspects of your life. Thanks Alex for all the things you do and the great products you come out with. I’m excited to check this one out!

Alex is probably the greatest social life instructor of today. I have read and watched a lot of other PUA material, but it wasn’t until I came across his old RSD YouTube videos then everything really started to click with me.
CBT Nuggets - IT Expert - Office 365 Domain Structure, ADMT, and Federations

CBT Nuggets - IT Expert - Office 365 Domain Structure, ADMT, and Federations
English | Size: 203.32 MB
Category: CBTs

In this real-world training module, Jeremy Cioara provides you with the practical guidance needed when migrating your company to the cloud. Learn how authentication, the Active Directory Migration Tool (ADMT), and Federation services can be used in an Office 365 environment during this migration process.
Recommended Experience
A knowledge of networking and cloud fundamentals is recommended, but not required.
Recommended Equipment
Related Certifications
This course is not associated with any formal certifications; however, the knowledge gained by completing it can contribute to your success on some entry-level Microsoft Office 365 certifications.