Cloud Academy - Analyzing Resource Utilization on Azure

Cloud Academy - Analyzing Resource Utilization on Azure-STM
English | Size: 901.97 MB
Category: Tutorial

This course looks into how to capture log data and metrics from Azure services and feed this information into different locations for processing. We take a look at diagnostic logging, which can help to troubleshoot services, and create queries and alerts based on that data. We also look into Azure Adviser, cost consumption reporting, and how we can baseline resources. This is an introduction to these advanced areas of Azure services
Linkedin Learning - Xcode 11 Essential Training

Linkedin Learning - Xcode 11 Essential Training-ZH
English | Size: 252.65 MB
Category: Tutorial

Explore the major features of Xcode 11, the integrated development environment for developers of macOS, iOS, watchOS, and tvOS apps. This course helps new Apple developers install Xcode and start writing and editing code. Instructor Todd Perkins reviews the version control and storyboard features, as well as the basics of Interface Builder, the intuitive UI design tool, and shows how to compile and debug apps and create unit tests to make sure your code does what it's supposed to do
Skylines Academy Google Cloud Platform GCP Certification Associate Cloud Engineer 2020-RiDWARE

Skylines Academy Google Cloud Platform GCP Certification Associate Cloud Engineer 2020-RiDWARE
English | Size: 434.05 MB
Category: Tutorial

In the GCP Certification Course: Associate Cloud Engineer, you will learn how to effectively manage GCP solutions and deploy apps, all while monitoring your operations
Cloud Academy - Building Convolutional Neural Networks on Google Cloud

Cloud Academy - Building Convolutional Neural Networks on Google Cloud-STM
English | Size: 682.35 MB
Category: Tutorial

Once you know how to build and train neural networks using TensorFlow and Google Cloud Machine Learning Engine, what s next? Before long, you ll discover that prebuilt estimators and default configurations will only get you so far. To optimize your models, you may need to create your own estimators, try different techniques to reduce overfitting and use custom clusters to train your models
Linkedin Learning - Security for the SMB Implementing the NIST Framework

Linkedin Learning - Security for the SMB Implementing the NIST Framework-ZH
English | Size: 210.54 MB
Category: Tutorial

Cybersecurity incidents impact organizations of all sizes, in all sectors. Small and medium businesses (SMBs) may not have the same infrastructure or resources for security, but face the same risks. In this course, Ron Woerner explains how to secure SMB assets, systems, and networks, leveraging the five functions of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Cybersecurity Framework identify, protect, detect, respond, and recover as a scaffold for creating a robust cybersecurity program. Learn how to identify your assets and necessary levels of access, set up defenses such as firewalls and encryption monitor your systems, create an effective incident response plan and use backups and cloud services to ensure you can recover and resume operations as quickly as possible
Linkedin Learning - WordPress 5 Essential Training UPDATE 20190517

Linkedin Learning - WordPress 5 Essential Training UPDATE 20190517-ZH
English | Size: 439.03 MB
Category: Tutorial

WordPress powers millions of blogs and websites. Available in 180 languages, WordPress can be hosted on any server, accessed in any browser, and built into almost anything you imagine: blog portfolio, website, or online store. Learn how to create your own web experiences with this powerful and open-source publishing platform. Instructor Morten Rand-Hendriksen helps you get the most out of WordPress and create feature-rich blogs and websites. Morten explains how to create and publish posts and pages; create and edit blocks; and define reusable content blocks to take full advantage of the new block editor codenamed "Gutenberg."
Cloud Academy - AWS Overview of AWS Identity and Access Management Iam

Cloud Academy - AWS Overview of AWS Identity and Access Management Iam-STM
English | Size: 1.06 GB
Category: Tutorial

This course looks at one of the key Security services within AWS, Identity & Access Management, commonly referred to IAM. This service manages identities and their permissions that are able to access your AWS resources and so understanding how this service works and what you can do with it will help you to maintain a secure AWS environment IAM is an important step in ensuring your resources are secure