Taiwan in Dynamic Transition Nation Building and Democratization
Free Download Ryan Dunch, "Taiwan in Dynamic Transition: Nation Building and Democratization"
English | ISBN: 0295746823 | 2020 | 256 pages | EPUB | 989 KB
Following a remarkable transition from authoritarian rule to robust democracy, Taiwan has grown into a prosperous but widely unrecognized nation-state for which no uncontested sovereign space exists. Increasingly vigorous assertions of Taiwanese identity expose the fragility of relationships between the United States and other great powers that assume Taiwan will eventually unite with China.

Presenting the First Test-Tube Baby
Free Download Presenting the First Test-Tube Baby: The Edwards and Steptoe Lecture of 1979
English | 2023 | ISBN: 100921103X | 237 Pages | PDF | 17 MB
In January 1979, Robert Edwards and Patrick Steptoe delivered a lecture detailing the ten-year clinical and scientific research programme that led to the birth of Louise Brown, the first baby born utilising IVF. This thoroughly-researched book provides both a full annotated transcript of the lecture as well as recorded reminiscences from those who attended, detailing the contemporary understandings of the event. An essay on the lecture's historical context adds fresh insight into the biographies of Edwards and Steptoe and highlights sources from print and broadcast media that have received scant attention in earlier publications. Current and future implications of the advances in IVF since the first procedure are also explored, examining future medical and scientific possibilities as well as ethical issues that may arise. A foreword by Louise Brown herself places this remarkable leap of science in a personal context, one that so many families have since experienced themselves.

Essential Mathematics for the Victorian Curriculum Year 10&10A
Free Download Essential Mathematics for the Victorian Curriculum Year 10&10A
English | 2016 | ISBN: 1108772900 | 919 Pages | PDF (True) | 38 MB
Questions without worked solutions have been added to every worked example. These additional questions give students immediate practice at the same type of question covered in the worked example before they get to the exercise. 'Now you try' questions also provide teachers with material if they want to demonstrate a question in the same style as the worked examples.

What is Marxism An Introduction to Marxist Theory
Free Download What is Marxism?: An Introduction to Marxist Theory By Alan Woods; Rob Sewell
2015 | 409 Pages | ISBN: 1900007312 | EPUB | 1 MB
In this epoch of instability crisis, war and ever-growing inequality, Marxism is becoming an increasingly attractive proposition to millions of workers and young people around the world. The old mole of revolution, to use Karl Marx's own phrase, is burrowing deep into the foundations of society. And yet we are repeatedly told that Marxism is either irrelevant, or out-dated, or even dead.Yet, if that were true, why are so many books and articles churned out year-on-year attacking Marxism? Clearly the powers that be are rattled or indeed frightened by these "dead" ideas. So what is this set of ideas that frightens them so much?Marxism - or scientific socialism - is the name given to the body of ideas first worked out by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels more than 150 years ago. In their totality, these ideas provide a fully worked-out theoretical basis for the struggle of the working class to attain a higher form of human society - socialism. This book is aimed specifically at newcomers to Marxism.A bestseller now in its second edition, it comprises introductory pieces on the three component parts of Marxist theory, corresponding broadly to philosophy, social history and economics: dialectical materialism, historical materialism and Marxist economics. Complementing these introductions are key extracts from some of the great works of Marxism written by its most outstanding figures - Marx, Engels, Lenin and Trotsky.