Choosing Greatness An Evidence-Based Approach to Achieving Exceptional Outcomes
Free Download Choosing Greatness: An Evidence-Based Approach to Achieving Exceptional Outcomes by Christina Curtis
English | May 2, 2023 | ISBN: 163763174X | 181 pages | PDF | 6.68 Mb
Do you yearn to achieve more? To make more? To do more? You are not alone. We are all drawn to the irresistible sensation of accomplishing great things and succeeding mightily. Yet despite our best efforts, ultimate success and joy can seem so elusive. Why? All too often we are running on autopilot, repeating past behaviors, and achieving the same results.

Chinese People's Time Use and Their Quality of Life
Free Download Chinese People's Time Use and Their Quality of Life: Research Report of Chinese Time Use Survey
English | 2023 | ISBN: 9819955254 | 376 Pages | PDF EPUB (True) | 23 MB
This book analyzes how Chinese people use their time, including how busy Chinese seek a healthy work-life balance, how some children win from the outset in terms of education, and how people pursue quality of life outside of or after work. General readers will get a vivid and detailed impression of the way Chinese people spend their time, while researchers will find a wealth of phenomena and data for analysis from both economic and social perspectives. The research presented here was conducted in the context of the Chinese Time Use Survey (CTUS), a nationwide initiative launched by Inner Mongolia University in 2017. The CTUS covers 29 Chinese provinces, and the database contains the time use information of 30,591 people aged 3 years and over from 12,471 households. The survey collects information at three main levels: personal, family and community.

Chinese Medical Herbology & Pharmacology
Free Download Chinese Medical Herbology & Pharmacology by John K. Chen, Tina T. Chen, Laraine Crampton
English | January 1, 2004 | ISBN: 0974063509 | 1332 pages | PDF | 172 Mb
Chinese Medical Herbology and Pharmacology integrates contemporary understanding of the ancient practice of Chinese herbal medicine with essential safety information for a context in which use of pharmaceutical and traditional medicines is increasingly integrated in the treatment of illness. In 1,266 information-packed pages, this text offers healthcare practitioners, researchers, educators and students information for a lifetime of learning and practice: 670 in-depth herb monographs; 1150 photographs, classic line drawings, and chemical structure diagrams; far-reaching insights from academic, clinical, research and regulatory professionals; traditional uses and combinations, dosages, toxicology, cautions and contraindications; safety index, herb-drug interactions, clinical studies and research; and more.

China Geographien einer Weltmacht
Free Download China: Geographien einer Weltmacht
Deutsch | 2023 | ISBN: 366266559X | 445 Seiten | PDF (True) | 102 MB
Kein anderes Land wird die Welt und vermutlich auch Deutschland in den nächsten Jahrzehnten so sehr prägen wie China. Ob wir es wollen oder nicht, die wirtschaftliche, gesellschaftliche und ökologische Zukunft unseres Planeten wird zu einem großen Teil durch Entwicklungen und Entscheidungen in China beeinflusst. Und dennoch, wir wissen oft überraschend oder gar erschreckend wenig über diese fast allgegenwärtige, höchst vielschichtige und ambivalente Weltmacht China - ihre Geschichte, ihre Geographie(n), ihre kulturellen Hintergründe sowie gesellschaftlichen Strukturen, und schließlich das, was ihre Menschen antreibt. Der Umgang mit der Volksrepublik gestaltet sich aus westlicher Sicht nicht nur komplex, sondern auch schwierig, wird ebenso zunehmend bedeutsamer und unvermeidbar.



Chimica fisica
Free Download Chimica fisica
Italiano | 2020 | ISBN: 8808620522 | 985 Pages | EPUB | 184 MB
himica fisica è da molti anni un testo di riferimento per studenti e docenti nell'ambito dello studio e dell'insegnamento della disciplina. In questa edizione, oltre all'inserimento di un nuovo autore, James Keeler, il rinnovamento passa attraverso l'organizzazione della materia in una struttura modulare, pensata per insegnare e apprendere in maniera flessibile. Nella comunità dei chimici fisici, infatti, si discute da sempre sull'opportunità di un approccio tradizionale, incentrato sulla meccanica quantistica, o un approccio molecolare, che privilegi la termodinamica. Il raggruppamento dei grandi temi della chimica fisica in diciannove focus, suddivisi in capitoli, mette in evidenza come gli argomenti non siano rinchiusi in un determinato ambito (capitolo), ma spazino trasversalmente tra i focus. Il docente può scegliere l'approccio che ritiene più adeguato, anche omettendo alcuni capitoli, e questo si traduce in maggiore fruibilità per lo studente. Per favorire l'autonomia di studio i capitoli sono scritti in modo da risultare il più possibile svincolati rispetto all'ordine in cui sono presentati; si aprono inoltre con tre domande: Perché devi conoscere questi concetti?, Qual è l'idea chiave? e Che cosa devi già sapere?, che aiutano gli studenti a mantenere viva la motivazione e a orientarsi nella materia. Un'altra componente distintiva di questa edizione è una trattazione matematica innovativa, che agevola lo studente nel cimentarsi con uno strumento essenziale nello studio della materia; questo potenziamento avviene attraverso: i box Gli strumenti del chimico, per familiarizzare con il calcolo e saper affrontare gli aspetti più operativi; le equazioni annotate, per imparare a interpretare un'equazione a prima vista, osservando il collegamento tra simboli e valori numerici; il Riepilogo delle equazioni a fine capitolo. Problem-solving e capacità di analisi sono incoraggiati lungo tutto il testo, attraverso Esempi applicativi di differente lunghezza, problemi guidati passo passo (Come si fa?) e test di Autovalutazione. Infine, lo studente ha a disposizione, al termine di ogni argomento, il Riepilogo dei concetti chiave, delle equazioni e le Risposte alle autovalutazioni, mentre al termine di ogni focus sono proposti Argomenti di discussione, Esercizi e Problemi.

Childhoods & Leisure Cross-Cultural and Inter-Disciplinary Dialogues
Free Download Childhoods & Leisure: Cross-Cultural and Inter-Disciplinary Dialogues
English | 2023 | ISBN: 3031337883 | 377 Pages | PDF EPUB (True) | 9 MB
This edited volume brings together interdisciplinary scholarship on children's everyday leisure from across the globe, addressing key questions around children's agency, rights, child-adult relations, and social change. It is positioned to inaugurate a new frontier of research within leisure studies.

Chemistry, Revised Edition Notable Research and Discoveries
Free Download Chemistry, Revised Edition: Notable Research and Discoveries
English | 2020 | ASIN : B0BSR7CXD5 | 258 Pages | True EPUB | 5 MB
Chemistry, Revised Edition takes a deep dive with scientists and explorers into the unknown frontiers of chemistry, and uncovers materials that exhibit remarkable or useful properties. Some of these materials consist of large molecules that can cure diseases, while others comprise motors or machines so small they are made of only a few atoms. In learning about the essential properties of materials, students learn how chemists are working to solve global issues, such as the rapid depletion of nonrenewable resources in our environment. This title offers students valuable insight into the methods and applications of chemistry, and how this field can make sense of and improve our way of life.

Chemistry An Introduction to General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry ,13th Edition
Free Download Chemistry: An Introduction to General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry ,13th Edition
English | 2018 | ISBN: 0134421353 | 721 Pages | PDF (True) | 61 MB
Chemistry: An Introduction to General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry takes a practical look chemistry. It then shows you how these concepts connect to your everyday life. It is the ideal resource for future allied health and nursing professionals. The text assumes no prior knowledge of chemistry, making it a great starting point to explore these essentials aspects of chemistry.