Gender and Sexuality in Stoic Philosophy

Gender and Sexuality in Stoic Philosophy
English | 3319536931 | 312 pages | PDF | 4.25 MB

This book investigates the Ancient Stoic thinkers’ views on gender and sexuality. A detailed scrutiny of metaphysics, ethics and political philosophy reveals that the Stoic philosophers held an exceptionally equal view of men and women’s rational capacities. In its own time, Stoicism was frequently called ‘ the manly school’ of philosophy, but this volume shows that the Stoics would have also transformed many traditional notions of masculinity. Malin Grahn-Wilder compares the earlier philosophies of Plato and Aristotle to show that the Stoic position often stands out within Ancient philosophy as an exceptionally bold defense of women’s possibilities to achieve the highest form of wisdom and happiness. The work argues that the Stoic metaphysical notion of human being is based on strikingly egalitarian premises, and opens new perspectives to Stoic philosophy on the whole.
City Farmer - Adventures in Urban Food Growing by Lorraine Johnson

City Farmer - Adventures in Urban Food Growing by Lorraine Johnson
English | 1553655192 | 257 pages | PDF | 7.71 MB

City Farmer celebrates the new ways that urban dwellers across North America are reimagining cities as places of food production. From homeowners planting their front yards with vegetables to guerilla gardeners scattering seeds in neglected urban corners, gardening guru Lorraine Johnson chronicles the increasing popularity of innovative urban food growing.
Backyard Medicine For All - A Guide to Home-Grown Herbal Remedies

Backyard Medicine For All - A Guide to Home-Grown Herbal Remedies
English | 1510725946 | 456 pages | EPUB | 33.3 MB

There is a wealth of plants growing abundantly all over roadsides, cities, and in your own backyard; this coincides perfectly with alternative medicine and natural healing reaching into every facet of our lives. These plants have numerous medicinal uses that people have largely forgotten. Once valued and widely used, they’ve fallen out of fashion over time as they were bypassed by commercial medicine.