Slaido Websites - #2

Slaido Websites - #2

Templates Ready to import into Slider Revolution. Slaido is the first and the only template pack created exclusively for revolution slider, perfect to meet any need Slaido it’s crafted with extreme attention to details, pixel-perfect assets and comes with a lot of styles ranging from creative to minimal so you don’t have to struggle anymore, just pick a demo that you like and edit it easily. Website #1 Fully Layered PSD
Slaido Websites - #1

Slaido Websites - #1

Templates Ready to import into Slider Revolution. Slaido is the first and the only template pack created exclusively for revolution slider, perfect to meet any need Slaido it’s crafted with extreme attention to details, pixel-perfect assets and comes with a lot of styles ranging from creative to minimal so you don’t have to struggle anymore, just pick a demo that you like and edit it easily. Website #1 Fully Layered PSD
CodeCanyon - Master Popups v2.4.8 - WordPress Popup Plugin for Email Subscription - 20142807 - NULLED

CodeCanyon - Master Popups v2.4.8 - WordPress Popup Plugin for Email Subscription - 20142807 - NULLED

Master Popups is a powerful popup plugin for creating Modal Popups, Full Screen Popups, Notification Bars, Slide-In popups and Inline & Widget Popups. You can easily create popups from our pre-made templates with few clicks. We have developed it so that you can add any type of content within your popups. Master Popups includes a system of capturing subscribers by email so you can get more subscribers and save all your data directly to WordPress or in your favorite email service as Mailchimp, Mautic, GetResponse, Mailster, Sendinblue, etc. Master Popup es un potente plugin para crear fácilmente popups y formularios de suscripción por email gracias a su editor visual de popups y a las más de 40 plantillas prediseñadas con las que cuenta y que son totalmente personalizables. Master Popups tiene la mejor integración con servicios de email marketing como Mailchimp, Mautic, GetResponse, Mailster, Sendinblue, etc, ya que se conecta fácilmente con cualquier servicio, extrae sus campos personalizados automáticamente y te permite elegir las listas con las que deseas trabajar.
CodeCanyon - Fynder - Find, Chat,Meet - Realtime Chat Application with Firebase (Update: 29 June 17) - 20052184

CodeCanyon - Fynder - Find, Chat,Meet - Realtime Chat Application with Firebase (Update: 29 June 17) - 20052184

Fynder is a popular way to connect people nearby. Many singles are playing the free Fynder app, send their photos and videos, chat with new friends around you, join group and club, dating and meeting locals, then find their loves! Fynder is the best way to connect and chat with interesting people around you. You can live chat, send photos, participate in a voice or video chat session with anyone near you. Or join in on a public local conversation, post photos, and share your world with everyone nearby. It’s a new way to express yourself and make new friends. Fynder lets you find out what’s going on and who’s near you anytime, anywhere. Chat with strangers and make new friends! Everyone on the app is looking to meet new people. Some want a tennis partner. Others want a photography buddy. And of course, there’s some people looking for a new romantic relationship, which is fine, but we are definitely not a dating app! Fynder is the social network for meeting new people.
CodeCanyon - Near Me App - Location Finder + Social Login +Friend Finder + Chat + Location Navigation (Update: 4 January 18) - 20909116

CodeCanyon - Near Me App - Location Finder + Social Login +Friend Finder + Chat + Location Navigation (Update: 4 January 18) - 20909116

NearMe App allows you to find the location near you, friends near you and it also allows you chat with your friends. It’s very easy to integrate and make live. it has Admob integration facility and many attractive features. Features: Find Friends Near you. | Find Location Near you. | Navigate location from google map. | Login and signup with Firebase. | Chat with your friends. | You can see last seen of your friends. | Enable and disable AdMob banner ads and Interstitial ad