


Database and Application Security: A Practitioner's Guide

unity3d 13 Mar 2024 00:04 LEARNING » e-book

Database and Application Security: A Practitioner's Guide
Database and Application Security: A Practitioner's Guide
English | March 25th, 2024 | ISBN: 0138073732 | 448 pages | True EPUB | 37.18 MB

An all-encompassing guide to securing your database andapplications against costly cyberattacks!

In a time when the average cyberattack costs a company $9.48million, organizations are desperate for qualified databaseadministrators and software professionals. Hackers are moreinnovative than ever before. Increased cybercrime means front-endapplications and back-end databases must be finetuned for a strongsecurity posture. Database and Application Security: APractitioner's Guide is the resource you need tobetter fight cybercrime and become more marketable in an ITenvironment that is short on skilled cybersecurityprofessionals.

In this extensive and accessible guide, Dr. R. Sarma Danturthiprovides a solutions-based approach to help you master the tools,processes, and methodologies to establish security insideapplication and database environments. It discusses the STIGrequirements for third-party applications and how to make surethese applications comply to an organizations security posture.From securing hosts and creating firewall rules to complying withincreasingly tight regulatory requirements, this book will be yourgo-to resource to creating an ironclad cybersecurity database.

In this guide, you'll find
• Tangible ways to protect your company from data breaches,financial loss, and reputational harm
• Engaging practice questions (and answers) after each chapter tosolidify your understanding
• Key information to prepare for certifications such as Sec+,CISSP, and ITIL
• Sample scripts for both Oracle and SQL Server software and tipsto secure your code
• Advantages of DB back-end scripting over front-end hard codingto access DB
• Processes to create security policies, practice continuousmonitoring, and maintain proactive security postures;.epub;.epub.html

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