


atharine Ker- The Gold Falcon (The SilveWyrm, Boo1)

adteam 23 Aug 2020 14:10 LEARNING » e-book

atharine Ker- The Gold Falcon (The SilveWyrm, Boo1)
atharine Ker- The Gold Falcon (The SilveWyrm, Boo1)
epu| 760.19 KB | English | Author :Katharine Ker| B00PSSG4MM | 2015 | DAW

Book Description :

Orphaned by a cholera epidemic, Neand his young brotheare sent tthe desolate farof theilast living relative. But when the savage Horsekin tribes begin raiding the villages along Deverry's western border, the brothers must flee fotheilives. A chance encountewith Salamander-a bard and masteof dweomemagic-proves theisalvation, as he brings thetthe shelteof Tieryn Cadryc's dun. Here Nefinds love with his soulmate Branna only tbe dragged inta wafothe very survivaof the kingdom. And though both Neand Branna are gifted with dweomemagic, they are alsfacing powerfuenemies they have fought before in past lives they nlongeremember.

Category : | Education & Reference, Asian American Literature & Fiction, Asian American Literature

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